Sunday, May 31, 2009

NEC Releases Eden of The East Phone

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NEC Phone company has created a real life replica of the Noblesse Oblige phone from the anime: Eden of The East,its pretty badass.

The phone itself features real-time GPS navigation,with that display also being a touchscreen.
Also it was blue tooth,camera and flashed based user interface (no idea what that means lol)

By itself will cost around $$700 but if you get a new plan it will lower to $$100 but as to my knownlage its not for sale in the U.S. but im pretty sure you can buy the phone by itself imported from japan,or like me pray and hope it will find its way to u.s.


  1. Gotta have this one! The design is so awesome!

  2. do you have some link, where can i buy it?
    Pls...I need this phone:D

  3. awesome... just AWESOME!!! I WANT ONEEE!!!!!

  4. Man. If the US wont see it, then Australia definately won't. But still, that is certainly one awesome phone

  5. MWolkiewicz at yahooApril 15, 2011 at 11:31 AM

    I would LOVE to purchase this phone! Does anyone know where I can find out how? Please, PLEASE let me know!

  6. omfg... i must have it...
